Low Insertion/Extraction Force Connector

Low Insertion/Extraction Force Connector

Low insertion/extraction force connectors become connectors that excel in low insertion/extraction force and high durability, significantly reducing the insertion/extraction force required for multipole connectors and large single-pole connectors.p>

Example of Insertion/Extraction Force Comparison

■φ4 Single-Pole Connector (per pole of a multipole connector)

Insertion/Extraction Force (Maximum) Rated Current
Standard Type 15N 50A
Very Low Insertion/Extraction Force Type 4N 40A
Very Low Insertion/Extraction Force Type 1N 30A

■φ18 Single-Pole Connector

Insertion/Extraction Force (Maximum) Rated Current
Standard Type 39N 400A
Very Low Insertion/Extraction Force Type 5N 340A

Example of Insertion/Extraction Cycle Comparison

■φ4 Single-Pole Connector

Insertion/Extraction Cycles
Standard Type 5,000 to 8,000 times
Low Insertion/Extraction Force Type 35,000 to 50,000 times