High-Current Composite Connectors

Composite Connectors

[ Practical Examples ]

This high-current connector is not just a typical connector that only conducts electricity. Using our proprietary processing technology, we minimize unnecessary post-processing on the customer’s side by packing as many necessary elements as possible into the connector assembly, making it a unitized product. If you entrust us with the development around high-current connectors, we will propose ways to eliminate unnecessary costs and space.

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■ Applications (Usage Examples) ■

[ Machinery ]

Etching equipment, CVD equipment, MOCVD equipment, Sputtering equipment, LCD equipment, Electrical discharge machining, Magnetizing devices, Laser processing machines, Welding machines, High-frequency hardening equipment, Glass manufacturing equipment

[ Vehicles ]

EV, PHV, Charging and discharging equipment, Automated guided vehicles, Trains, Linear motor cars, Automatic couplers, Lithium-ion production lines, EV inverter testing equipment, EV motor testing equipment

[ Equipment ]

Electric furnaces, Electrolytic furnaces, Lifting magnets, Plating equipment

[ Electric Power ]

Circuit breakers, Switchgears, Transformers, GIS, Building wiring, Solar cells, Fuel cells, Secondary batteries

[ Telecommunications & Broadcasting ]

Computer power supplies, Broadcasting equipment power supplies, Portable power supplies, UPS, PBX